Nova Scotia Nominee Program -NSNP

Nova Scotia Nominee Program -NSNP  

Skilled Worker 

This stream is for skilled workers who have a full-time job offer from a Nova Scotia employer. Skilled work experience is identified as occupations under O, A and B Occupations. Under this program even C - semi skilled and D - low skilled occupations may apply to be nominated as long as they are currently in Nova Scotia with a valid work permit and must have been working for a Nova Scotia employer for atleast six months. However, since the need of the province for worker changes, NSNP reserves the right to accept or deny applications based on the current labour requirement of the province. 

International Graduate 

For international graduates who have a full-time job offer from a Nova Scotia employer and have been working for the employer for at least three months. 

Community Identified 

For individuals who have significant employment prospects, have a strong connection to a particular Nova Scotia community and have received a Letter of Identification from an Office of Immigration mandated organization. The priority occupations for this stream is still O, A and B. Even though C and D occupations are allowed to apply, they have lower proirity of being chosen. Under this program anybody can apply, but the province reserves the right to choose who it feels has the strongest chance of becomming economically established in the province and contribute to the province of Nova Scotia.

Family Business Worker 

Business owners in Nova Scotia are allowed to nominate close family members to become workers in their business if they have failed to find the employee they need from within Canada to fill out their job vancancy. Applicants must receive full-time job offer from their close relative in Nova Scotia who owns a business. Like most Provincial Nominee programs priority is still determined by the kind of work experience the applicant has. Occupations that falls under O-Managerial, A-Professional and B - trade and skilled occupations still has better chances of being nominated than C and D occupations. 

Non-Dependent Child of Nova Scotia Nominee 

For individuals who are non-dependent adult children of Nova Scotia nominees who wish to enter the labour market and contribute to the economy of the province. 

For over aged children of applicants previously granted a nomination at Nova Scotia. If they have the necessary education and work experience they too can be nominated at NSNP. Agri-Food Sector For immigrants who plan to establish a business in Nova Scotia in the agriculture sector for primary and/or value added production.


Address: Unit 301, 3rd Floor, NorthLink Bldg, SMNorth EDSA 1105 Quezon City, Philippines Tel No: 0917 820 2531 Email:
