2009 lucky year for Nurses and Doctors

Special Offer from the Canadian Government

All Nurses & Doctors

Apply Now!! And get your
“Immigrant Visa” in less than 1 year

This offer is for a very limited time
Only serious minded applicants need apply
This offer is only for selected occupations
All applicants must act fast to catch this chance
Applicants from all over the whole world are applying

Don’t get left out!! You must apply fast!!

Why wait for a “Working Visa”
Get an “Immigrant Visa”
The “Ultimate Prize”

Give your family the life they dream about
Sign up with the Philippines #1 immigration consultant
Canadian Immigration Consultancy

A proven leader in our field
Our track record of success speaks for itself

A “Turning Point” in your life
It happens to everybody
Can you move fast enough to catch the chance?

Once in a lifetime opportunity for qualified applicants in your profession

Faster processing time – 6 to 12 months
o Within 30 days of applying it can be determined if you will be qualified to immigrate
o Within 90 days of applying you will be given the opportunity to prove that an immigrant visa is for you
o And as soon as 120 days of applying you can have the immigrant visa in your hands

An Immigrant Visa is faster to get than a Work Visa? That is now the case when going to Canada. Never has this happened before. Take advantage of this golden opportunity.
o You can apply for immigrant visa today!
o No need to wait for a job offer from a Canadian employer, that might never come, just to get the process started
o Once you receive a job offer it will still take at least another 6 months to process your visa
o Your destiny is in your hands, all you have to do is apply “Right Now” if your occupation is on the selected list
o What are you waiting for? Apply now!!
o You will never, ever, have to worry about the future of your family once you get an immigrant visa to Canada
o What a relief, a huge burden will be lifted off your chest
o Give your family a real life, isn’t that what you are trying to do in life?

Stop the “Vicious Cycle” of sacrificing a family member to work overseas to take care of your family.
Why work in a country where there is “No Future” for your family.
Canada wants you and your family to be with you in Canada. Canada is offering you and your family the life you dream about.
If you don’t want the offer, applicants from all over the world are gladly taking your place.
They know how valuable an “Immigrant Visa” to Canada really is. Do you know? Don’t let somebody else get your immigrant visa to Canada, save your family

Act Now! This opportunity is only for a ‘limited time’
You can catch the chance if you move fast
Turn your application in NOW!!
Don’t miss this chance by moving so slow
You will get a sinking feeling when the program closes and you miss out

If you don’t act now, what do you have to loose? A LOT!
Your family only loses their lifetime dream, a quality life
Is that what you want for your family?
Don’t settle for anything less than the best for your family

Investing in an Immigrant Visa to Canada is the least expensive investment you will ever make in your life that will bring you the most guaranteed benefits of your life for a lifetime

Canadian Immigration Consultancy
You have earned the right to a better life Let CIC help you get your rights
Small mistakes cause big problems “No Visa” Don’t let that happen
Let a proven leader in the field of Canadian Immigration help you get the most valuable prize of your life An “Immigrant Visa to Canada

ACT NOW!!! We are waiting for you

Looking for Agents

For more information please call _________________________________________
Look for our Immigration Adviser _________________________________________


Address: Unit 301, 3rd Floor, NorthLink Bldg, SMNorth EDSA 1105 Quezon City, Philippines Tel No: 0917 820 2531 Email: iai@go2canada.com
